Wednesday, September 13, 2006

RAVE: Some People Have Goals

So I was scanning the "offbeat" news section on CNN, because lets face it, it's the best part of the whole site, when I saw this article.Usually this is the kind of thing I would make fun of mercilessly (like your beard is going to help anybody find Osama Bin Ladin), but something put my sarcasm on hold (gasp!) and think about it. This guy has a goal, he has matsy, stick-to-it-iveness, whatever you want to call it. This guy is dedicated. In all honestly he may have just wanted an excuse not to shave and thought the Bin Laden thing was a good one to hedge your bets against, but still. The guy made a decision and he's showing everybody that he's not going to conform to society until some event X happens. I can admire that.

So here's to you, Mr. Gary Weddle. Here's to you and your beard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's my dad :) I've heard way too many bad things about him and his beard, it's nice that someone actually has the mind to realize it's not just about having the beard... it's about what it stands for... so thank you.