Wednesday, February 28, 2007

RANT: Trifecta of Things that Bother Me Today

I woke up this morning to three rather disturbing things:

1) My beloved Al Gore, whose environmental documentary An Inconvenient Truth recently won an Oscar on Sunday, apparently has a $2,439 electric bill for the month. Can he really care about global warming as much as he seems to with an electric bill like this? On Sunday he was talking about about the power of ordinary people to change our collective fate of mankind by doing simple things, and now we find out he apparently leaves all the lights on in his giant mansion 24/7.

2) Why do some people think it is OK to be blatantly racist? An article on talks about a newspaper out of California called AsianWeek whose contributor, Kenneth Eng, wrote an article called "Why I Hate Blacks" and argues that Black Americans are essentially weak for being enslaved for over 300 years. Now the Asian community is decrying this article and author, but how did it get published in the first place? Link to the cnn article.

3) Has anyone else seen that Honda commercial that goes, "we can't all be genuises, but we call do something smart"? Usually it has a guy that's blindfolded solving a rubik's cube (gag). Last night I saw a new commercial in the same series that featured a freakin' INFANT (seriously, 1, 2 years old?) pointing at pictures of presidents and calling out their names. "William Taft!" "Grover Cleveland!" "James Polk!". Who the hell recognizes a picture of James Polk?

Friday, February 16, 2007

RANT: My Husband is a Big Fat Dork

To be fair, my husband is actually a pretty skinny dork...

ANYWAYS, we were out having a nice dinner at one of our favorite local DC restaurants, Arucola, when my husband (The Dork) leans over and whispers, "don't look now... but Gordon Peterson is sitting behind you!"

If you have ever read his blog, you know that he is a huge fan of local "celebrities", or as he likes to say, "Institutions". Gordon Peterson qualifies as one of these "institutions". He wouldn't go up and say hi to him, but he did finally muster the courage to take his picture over my shoulder. So most of the picture looks like me giving him a very skeptical look while Gordon P. is in mid-story telling to his table. After we left I almost sent him into a fit saying things like, "are you sure that was Gordon Peterson?" (he did a side-by-side photo from Channel 7's web site when we got home) and "why do you care so much about the weather man?" (Gordon is 5/6 o'clock anchor).

Ah, the joys of being married to a local news-cast enthusiast...
if you are not a DC local, go here to see who I am talking about:

Thursday, February 15, 2007

RAVE: Coffee Love Affair

Ode to Coffee

Smell makes me smile

Touch takes the cold

Taste wakes me up

Saturday, February 03, 2007

RANT: Delilah Hosts WASH FM'S Valentine's Day Ball

I heard on the radio last night that Delilah will be hosting the annual WASH FM Valentine's Day Ball in DC instead of Glenn Hollis. "Hosted by me, Delilah!" Gag.

Who would want to spend Valentine's Day with Delilah, listening to her go on and on while you are trying to have a good time. The whole thing is just to awful to think about. That After Hours could go on without Glenn H. is bad enough, but now they are taking the Valentine's Day Ball too? WTF?! I hope they don't sell any tickets.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

RAVE: Stevens and Berdosky Are My Heros

Sean Stevens and Peter Berdovsky are my new personal heros. These two pled not guilty today to charges that they placed "hoax devices" in Boston after putting up what look like 80s style Lite Brites around Boston to advertise for an Adult Swim cartoon. An element of this offense is that they had to intend to incite panic, which they were clearly not doing if they were putting them up because they are employees of an advertising agency/marketing firm.

In a news conference after they posted bail, they were accused of not taking the situation seriously when they told reports they would only answer questions about 70s style hair cuts. They responded that they were taking it very seriously. When asked another question not involving hair, they said the reporters were obviously not taking them seriously for asking a question that did not involve hair.

Besides the hair questions, my favorite part of the story on cnn quotes Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley as saying as saying these lite bright cartoon characters, "it had a very sinister appearance, it had a battery behind it, and wires." WTF. Do we call the cops on everything we see with batteries and wires? If so my office should be swarming with the closest SWAT team.

Please (again) vote for my wish at /

Rave: Voting Has Begun!

Per the excellent suggestion of Nox yesterday,here is a direct link to my wish:

You cast your vote by clicking on the stars.

Thanks, and as I said yesterday, it's very appreciated. Besides, you know you are bored at work (and cnn/msn/boingboing doesn't update nearly often enough)
- your local DCTXn