Saturday, February 03, 2007

RANT: Delilah Hosts WASH FM'S Valentine's Day Ball

I heard on the radio last night that Delilah will be hosting the annual WASH FM Valentine's Day Ball in DC instead of Glenn Hollis. "Hosted by me, Delilah!" Gag.

Who would want to spend Valentine's Day with Delilah, listening to her go on and on while you are trying to have a good time. The whole thing is just to awful to think about. That After Hours could go on without Glenn H. is bad enough, but now they are taking the Valentine's Day Ball too? WTF?! I hope they don't sell any tickets.


Fritz said...

Valentine's Day with Glenn or Delilah? Please, I'd rather spend it at the pub drinking Guinness, eating potato soup, and listening to Irish bands! Oh, wait--that's St. Patty's Day.

Bart said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy Delilah!
