Tuesday, September 05, 2006

RAVE: Pro-Pluto Protest Draws... 50 people in NM

RAVE: Looks like the good people of New Mexico have finally read my blog entry about Pluto getting dissed and are up in arms as they should be. All 50 of them. I would actually LOVE to see a protest that was about such an academic/intellectual thing- the downsizing of a planet to a dwarf. I mean, these are people who choose to go out and protest in the hot summer in New Mexico, not about immigration or civil rights, but about Pluto.

I do take issue with the protesters saying that Clyde Tombaugh, the discoverer of Pluto, was an "American hero, and for that reason alone Pluto's status as a planet should be kept." That's a bit of a stretch. He was obviously a smart guy and helped out New Mexico State University quite a bit by starting up their astronomy department. But probably not an American hero. I like to save those titles for people who might have died saving a baby from a burning building.

I do want one of the shirts that says "Size Doesn't Matter". That's awesome.

Pluto Protesters, I salute you!

1 comment:

Frankly, Scarlett said...

FINALLY! People protesting for something important! Now THAT I can carry a picket sign for!