Wednesday, February 28, 2007

RANT: Trifecta of Things that Bother Me Today

I woke up this morning to three rather disturbing things:

1) My beloved Al Gore, whose environmental documentary An Inconvenient Truth recently won an Oscar on Sunday, apparently has a $2,439 electric bill for the month. Can he really care about global warming as much as he seems to with an electric bill like this? On Sunday he was talking about about the power of ordinary people to change our collective fate of mankind by doing simple things, and now we find out he apparently leaves all the lights on in his giant mansion 24/7.

2) Why do some people think it is OK to be blatantly racist? An article on talks about a newspaper out of California called AsianWeek whose contributor, Kenneth Eng, wrote an article called "Why I Hate Blacks" and argues that Black Americans are essentially weak for being enslaved for over 300 years. Now the Asian community is decrying this article and author, but how did it get published in the first place? Link to the cnn article.

3) Has anyone else seen that Honda commercial that goes, "we can't all be genuises, but we call do something smart"? Usually it has a guy that's blindfolded solving a rubik's cube (gag). Last night I saw a new commercial in the same series that featured a freakin' INFANT (seriously, 1, 2 years old?) pointing at pictures of presidents and calling out their names. "William Taft!" "Grover Cleveland!" "James Polk!". Who the hell recognizes a picture of James Polk?

1 comment:

Bart said...

As to #1, hypocrisy is fun for everyone! Although what's worse - Al Gore cranking out the kilowatts, or John "Two Americas" Edwards' new mansion?

Although Penn Jillette has a positive opinion of hypocrisy. If someone's a hypocrite, odds are you will agree with at least something they say.

Can't address #2... what a dumbass...

For #3, I have two names for you. They Might Be Giants (remember their 2004 remake of 'Tippecanoe and Tyler Too'?) and John Hodgman (see List of Presidents with hooks for hands). And if you're anything like me, you would totally recognize Polk over Filmore.