Tuesday, August 15, 2006

USA Today, 8/14/06, Reports "Field of Dreams"

I am ashamed to admit it, but I was reading the front page section of USA Today on Monday. If it makes you feel better, I was trapped on a plane for 3 hours and there wasn't much else to do. Someone else had already abandoned it in the terminal, so it's not like I bought (and therefore financially supported) the 2nd worst paper in the country. In case you are wondering, the 1st place spot goes to the bastion of right-wing conservative reportage, The Washington Times.

Actually taking up room on page 3A is the article "5,000 flock to 'Field of Dreams': Fans Gather to See Film on Original Set." USA Today does not hide their hard-hitting news stories of national significance in the back, no sir. Direct from Dyersville, Iowa the Associated Pres reports further on my blog entry detailing the NetFlix Roadshow and Kevin Costner's first trip back to Iowa since he made the movie in 1989.

The most interesting thing about the article, besides the picture of Kevin Costner rocking out after the show (above, only available online, the printed version is him pitching to some local kids) is that the population of Dryersville has increased by 300 since the movie was filmed.

How awful was his performance with his as-of-yet unnamed band that it wasn't even mentioned by the AP? Or did they cut out early to catch flights somewhere more interesting? And in case you were wondering, the main "economic engines" of the town are agriculture and tourism.


Washington Cube said...

I accidentally clicked on the tv and caught TWO SECONDS of this show. Costner in his whiney voice, playing at being the heroic rock star, and CLICK...absolutely could NOT take him.

Bart said...

Remember those Weekly Readers from grade school? That's what USA Today reminds me of.

Frankly, I'd much rather support a newspaper whose political views I know (be they left or right) than a newspaper that is just plain bad.