Yesterday I found a great website- robinhoodfund.com. You can enter a wish and, depending on how many people view your wish, you could have it granted. I entered a wish of "Paying off my student loans" under the name Mags (see previous entries of "Rant: Evil Student Loans" etc.). If you are bored at work/school/home today and would like to vote, please go to robinhood.com. I will post a direct link once it is up for voting. i think you might have to register for your vote/view to count, but it is quick and painless, requiring minimal details.
It only takes a few seconds and hey, it might actually work. At any rate, I really appreciate anyone who can take the time. Voting on my wish starts at noon today MST and lasts for the weeks.
DCTXn thanks you in her ever-continuing fight against The Man.
It only takes a few seconds and hey, it might actually work. At any rate, I really appreciate anyone who can take the time. Voting on my wish starts at noon today MST and lasts for the weeks.
DCTXn thanks you in her ever-continuing fight against The Man.