Tuesday, January 09, 2007

RANT: Rooney in DC, 1/10/07

I have just discovered that my arch-nemesis and general bain of my existence, Andy Rooney, will be in DC at Politics and Prose tomorrow night for a book signing. While generally weirded out that he will be but a few miles from where I work and live, I am strangely curious about what the crowd there will look like. Aptly enough, the book he wrote that he is signing is called Out of My Mind. Well, that's about right.

Part of me just wants to go to stand in line and ask, "Mr. Rooney, I am a big fan of yours. Please tell me how you get paid so much to talk about nothing for so little time every week?" I might get thrown out, but it would be worth it just for the memories. Of course, if Rooney and I were in the same place at the same time, the universe might collapse on itself due to the improbability of these two dynamic yet opposite forces coexisting in the same shared space.

So if the world suddenly comes to an end tomorrow night at 7, you'll know why. Don't blame me, blame Rooney who is, apparently, Out of [His] Mind.


Bart said...

Is that 7 Eastern time? I want to make sure I'm in the fœtal position when the end hits and would hate for a time zone issue to throw me off.

DCTXn said...

Yes, 7 EST.